Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why Do Black Guys Grow Their Pinky Nail

Some unpublished June 2008

the reverse pleated tall grass
glitter ears of wheat frosted blue

Great Silence dry insects
all sleep in the wind calm

Patient gardening Cistercian
always separate the wheat from the chaff

Walk to churches
their polychrome saints, their Christs injured

Consider the lights
under cover relics

Cuts corrupt arms
odor of sanctity

The blackbirds sink
the deepest narrow windows

rustling wings against the stone
just a cry and their disappearance

All sleeping under the calm wind
The ears of wheat frosted blue

My priorat ends
While sleeping under the calm wind.

the darker glows
blood sprayed into the clouds

ask the sword, fleeing
win the vast plains of pleasure

where death remains behind
still secret and speechless

Without permission
but without courage

ask the sword, fleeing
win the vast plains forgotten

and valleys of delight uncertain
where mists hang Scented

In darker glows
ask the sword, fleeing

where death remains behind
the hollow memories

the darker glows
believe in blue

the sea
fish to breath.

should probably
still sinking through the jungle

where bodies glisten in the warm rain
where barefoot avoid the bite of the snake

tread the red earth brown flowers

move forward
giants in ancient woods

still sinking through the jungle

carrying the small child washed his mud
feeding, rocking

clearing up the yellow and patient
which will deal sweetened fruit
hammock suspended
and love again

move forward
in concert disturbing invisible birds
call strident flight of monkeys

to the clearing and fresh yellow
where clear water flows in jars of clay
which will deal sweetened fruit

move forward
dig through the jungle
where bodies dripping and eyes close.

Tigers blood lying in the ferns
we foresaw that long black stripes

They peered knows what
tail folded against the body flexible

huge cross their legs
pending and green

light rain and warm
fell intermittently

gently wetting Women
perched in wicker baskets on the bodies of elephants

Swing walking
rifles which gleamed.


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