bike before I spend another day care center, one where we would like to bring our daughter closer to home, more news. I slowed down, I want to go there to check the advance the waiting list. A woman walking on the pavement outside the building, she looks up to the windows of the first, it seeks a face that is not forthcoming. She walks backwards, seems resigned but look again, oh yes it is there, a child behind the glass, we see only his nose his eyes his forehead his hair sticking out. We also see that he smiled. She makes small babay in retracing his steps, relieved. She blows kisses, but I think that I do not see it, I hang my bike I'm looking at the padlock. When I looked up this gesture that she touches me and that I would never do: she uses in her arms, her arms she, looking him up there to whom she intended this maternal embrace. It remains to be lulled into looking like that. She finally released her arms, moving backwards and then turn away really. I go in the opposite direction, in solidarity I do not return for another look.
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