Thursday, February 18, 2010

Ward's Ap Bio Lab Answer

contest for the Carnival! Article

Venice, New Orleans, Menton, Nice, Rio ... All these cities have in common a famous Carnival!
The tradition of Carnival, the word derives from "carne levare "or in French in the text "Abstain from meat," marks the beginning of Lent, a period that lasted 40 days until Easter.

But for this contest organized by OK, this good and I relays imminent as a member of the jury, it is not 40 days but only 7 that you have to offer us a recipe and / or a history of Carnival!
The 3 winners will receive a lot of Mini Pyrex from Cook'nBlogs !

find the contest rules at Sandra OK This Good!

In your kitchen, keyboards and cameras for revenue masked and colorful!


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